Meet a ‘Violent Sexual Predator’ and Marvel at Our Broken System for Dealing With Sex Offenders

The note in my inbox was straightforward, and suicidal: “I don’t have much time left and that brings me some comfort. I can’t even imagine a life of freedom and happiness anymore. I hope my story will at least help people understand the grey areas of this stigma.” Full Article

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I hope that Michael Pascal doesn’t go through with suicide. That gives a victory to the hate mongering politicians and closed minded individuals and it won’t help our cause to rid the world of this awful and harmful registry.

Michael, if you read this, know that your primary reasons not to take your life is both for your family and the good that you can do for others with the rest of your life. I have a supportive wife and two small children, and even if I may think I am a burden now, I know that I will do everything in my power to be there for them in the future and do whatever it takes to make their lives better.

What if your wife becomes ill in 10 years and there is nobody to care for her? You know that regardless of your offender status you could make her life better. You just don’t know what the future holds and you’ve already been through the worst. I’ve been on it for 3+ years and I know it gets better even if it is just more about getting used to restrictions and focusing on what you can do instead of can’t.

We need you to stick it out with the rest of us and spread the word. The moment you are no longer here, we lose one more person that understands what 99% of the population doesn’t.

Your issue may be one that can be helped by filing a writ of habeus corpus. See this web site to see if it fits:

There is a light at the end of the tunnel. This registry is blatantly a constitutional violation and will someday get back to the US Supreme Court and most issues will be resolved as much as they can be.

Wow, that is hard to read. It is very, very sad for “Mikey” and a gross, filthy, disgusting miscarriage of justice. The politicians that inflict this kind of unjustified misery on others deserve nothing but the same for themselves. When I see them (politicians, bureaucrats, law enforcement, etc.) crash and burn and become victims of the policies and laws they support I do the happy dance with great exultation, shouting “Eat it!”

When I hear stories about the young man in the article linked above I want to scream at the top of my lungs Sam Kinison-style – this is flippin’ INSANITY!!!

Liberty, freedom, privacy for Americans and accountability of “leaders” in what many extol as the “greatest country in the world” are things of a bygone era. The FBI and Justice Department only verified what we already know about the system when they let Shrill Hill off the hook: the system is rigged in favor of the elites.

If I were in this man’s shoes I would grab a copy of Getting Lost in America and put it into action. As it is, I am blessed with a decent business I have built for myself (after the registry made gainful employment impossible), wife, kids, etc., all accumulated post conviction/prison/parole. God only knows what lies ahead for us, and maybe I will have to vanish on my own, but for the time being, I live in the moment like I will die tomorrow and plan like I will live forever.

I hope Mikey can find hope, relief and happiness soon, but it can only come through taking control and to stop letting life happen to him. He – WE – must happen to life and live it to the fullest.

Now, if you’ll excuse me I must get back to practicing what I preach.

End of rant.

This is such a sad story but probably one of so many more like it. I liked the comment about making it illegal and a crime to be Human. So true! Most people watch R rated movies and find nothing wrong with sex scenes. Is that abnormal? Absolutely not and just human nature. Does that mean these people are our future rapists? I sure hope not as we would all be future rapists. Just like watching violent movies does not make us killers. When will this false hysteria end? When will people stop being stupid and become educated? “Make America smart again”. I think we owe this to the rest of the world and to our children. I hope Michael will see hope again.

How this guy got on the predator list is hard to fathom. And this happened in his own home too but even there, I guess the law says visitors have the right to a certain amount of privacy…especially in the bathroom.

Being on the registry is not worth ending your life. It could have been a lot worse Michael like serving a prison sentence or having a felony on your record. Plus you don’t have kids and your fiance stuck by you. Try and learn a trade instead of working in a warehouse. Your fiance may even support you while you get some schooling.

Another option is if you’re done with probation, move out of your small town and get to a more enlightened place. Even State College PA or Pittsburgh would do. Plus you can always try your luck in another state that may not consider you a level 3 predator. Try Oregon or Minnesota. Sorry, I’ve just heard far worst stories from other RSOs. You need to shape up and think of the good things you got going for you. Suicide is an easy way out and the state wouldn’t even miss you

It seems like a real stretch for any court to determine that taking a photo is a direct correlation to a person being a sexually violent predator. This is akin to taking a shotgun to kill an ant. I do not understand how that can happen.
I do understand how suicide looks like a peaceful solution. No hope leads to that conclusion. Choosing to live as Mikey describes for the rest of your life is choosing pain every day. I am sure that he does not want to end his life, but does not want to live the rest of it in the manner that he describes.

When ever hope has left the room there are still choices if we choose to see them. We have numbers that are growing daily and have a list (the registry) to rally our troops from. We oddly can’t directly view it but many others not on the registry can resource those on the registry to encourage and support. Our hope is in each other forward into the fight and together we will prevail. It only took a handful of registrants lead by Janice and the staff of California RSOL to beat back the demons set against us and our rights to be in parks and beaches…imagine for a moment what we could accomplish if we ALL stood together? HOPE? I see hope every time I look on the faces of our people at our meetings. I am a Christian by faith but my faith and hope grows more every time I am around those that dare to SHOW UP, STAND UP and SPEAK UP. It is an honorable cause that we fight. This fight is not just for our rights but for the rights of all. This is a Godly fight and one we must answer in the name of justice for all. We may answer that call by a simple donation, showing up to a meeting, leaving a comment on line or even educating some of our friends and relatives. Where ever or however we answer this righteous cause in so doing we place a dent in the armor of harm placed against us and our families. I train registrants and their families (on my own separate from RSOL) to impact elections and earn money while doing so in their communities via local salons. I have helped to get people elected and registrants trained by this skill that affords you and us victory from the community level. I make nothing for training you accept your efforts towards helping us all while you make a living doing so. Robert (949) 872-8768.